Scots Language Awards 2022 returns to celebrate at Dundee’s Gardyne Theatre
Public votin tae fin the winners in the 2022 Scots Leid Awards wull be open fae Monday 5th tae 18th September.
The Awards gie richtfu recognition tae the mony dedicatit fowk wha ower years lang syne an forrit intae oor ain time gie thir aa tae makin shair the Scots leid steys in guid hert bi keepin it tae the fore in its cultur, music an wirds.
Hands Up For Trad hae annooncit the public’s nominees for wha wull be 2022’s Scots Language champions. They are giein a cry oot for aabody tae mak thir final chuisins at www.scotslanguageawards.com whan the votin opens on 5th September.
Winners will be annooncit at Dundee’s braw Gardyne Theatre oan 24th September. Cam an jine us for a gledsome nicht celebratin Scots cultur an leid alangside the Award winners, forby grand performances fae bonnie sangsters Beth Malcom an Robyn Stapleton, makar (an nominee!) Hamish MacDonald, an comedian Bruce Fummey.
The Scots Leid has lang bin yaised bi scrievers an spaiken in oor weel kent films. But noo ilka year, acause o the widespreid yiss o Social Media, it is undergaein a contemporary resurgence as communities connect wi muckle new audiences oan TikTok an ithir platforms allooin the leid tae be cairried forrit bi the public, fowk o influence an the media. Sic initiatives as Hands Up for Trad’s “GiesAScotsPhraseDay” an thir launch o “The Scots Language Awards” in 2019, as pairt o the United Nations Year of Indigenous Languages bein jist twa examples.
Sin thae stairtit, the Awards hae gied recognition tae local heroes an teachers alangside weel kent celebrities sic as comedian Janey Godley an sangster Iona Fyfe. Aa eleeven awards, includin the prestigious Janet Paisley Services to Scots Award, wull be presentit on stage on the nicht by social media star an makar Len Pennie alang wi broadcaister an columnist Alistair Heather, forby bein live streamed tae international audiences.
Simon Thoumire o event organisers Hands Up For Trad said: “I’m fair delichtit by the growth o oor ongaein campaign for the Scots Leid, an tae be haudin oor live event in Dundee again, a community which haes supportit it fae the ootset, an at the calibre o the braw nominees for the 2022’s Scots Language Awards.”
Votin is open fae 5th – 18th September 2022 at www.scotslanguageawards.com. Tickets are priced fae £8 + bookin fee (or £6 for live stream) www.gardynetheatre.org.uk/show/scots-language-awards
Follae us on Twitter @handsupfortrad, Instagram @handsupfortrad, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/handsupfortrad and use hashtags #ScotsLeid2022 & #HUFT
The 2022 Scots Language Awards & Nominees are:
Scots Business of the Year, sponsored by Scots Language Society
The Laurel Bank Hotel, Markinch.
ReStore, Lossiemouth
Thomsons Butcher, Dundee
Coorie, Broughty Ferry
Janet Paisley Services to Scots Award sponsored by Creative Scotland
tae be annoonced on the night
Scots Champion Award
tae be annoonced on the night
Scots Writer of the Year, sponsored by National Library of Scotland
Jaimini Jethwa
Harry Josephine Giles
Lesley Benzie
Liz Lochhead
Ann MacKinnon
Young Scots Writer o the Year sponsored by Education Scotland
tae be annoonced on the night
Scots Media Person of the Year, sponsored by Dictionaries of the Scots Language
Wee Scottish Book Club Podcast – Natalie McMath and Scott Shields
Doric Dad (TikTok)
Aiberdeen Mannie (Instagram)
chrisreid25875 (TikTok)
Scots Bairns Book of the Year, sponsored by Scottish Government
Wheesht! Susi Briggs (Foggie Toddle)
Doric Nursery Rhymes for Loons & Quines, translations by Gordon M Hay, illustrations by Rosemary Cunningham (Doric Books)
The Itchy Coo Book o Aesop’s Fables in Scots various (Itchy Coo)
The Tint Aig, Aaron Gale (Doric Books)
A Series o Scunnersome Events, The BogginBeginnin, Thomas Clark (Itchy Coo)
Scots Speaker of the Year, sponsored by Scots Language Centre
Jackie Ross (Aberdeenshire)
Marjolein Robertson (Shetland)
Billy Kay (Dundee)
Scots Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Scottish Qualifications Authority
Catherine Mackenzie, Deputy Head Teacher, Gretna Primary
Diane Anderson, Deputy Head Teacher, former Principal Teacher of English, and Education Scotland’s Scots Language Coordinator, Morgan Academy, Dundee
Andrew McCrae, Perth High School
Amanda Dunn, Shortlees Primary School, Kilmarnock
Irene McFarlane, Strathallan School, Perthshire
Scott Shields, Craigiebarns Primary School, Dundee
Miss Morrison, Cardinal Newman High School, North Lanarkshire
Simon McMahon, St Andrews Primary School, Dundee
David Scott, Maisondieu Primary School, Brechin, Angus
Scots School of the Year, sponsored by Itchy Coo / Black & White Publishing
Morgan Academy (Dundee City Council)
Gretna Primary School (Dumfries and Galloway Council)
Perth High School (Perth and Kinross Council)
Newhill Primary School (Newhill Primary School)
Lossiemouth High School (Moray Council)
Prestwick Academy (South Ayrshire Council)
St Rose of Lima Primary School, Glasgow (Glasgow City Council)
Mearns Academy (Aberdeenshire Council)
Scots Project of the Year, sponsored by Scots Radio
Eemis Stane
Palavra Escocesa
Essential Scots-Polish Dictionary, Dictionaries of the Scots Language
The Maiden’s Leap with Historic Environment Scotland and Perth High School
Keith TMSA Festival
Linen Hall Library Ulster Scots Competition & Pamphlet
Scots Book of the Year, sponsored by Scottish Book Trust
Deep Wheel Orcadia Harry, Josephine Giles (Picador)
Be guid tae yer Mammy, Emma Grae (Unbound)
Norlan Lichts Lesley Benzie, Sheena Blackhall & Sheila Templeton (Rymour)
There’s Ma Mammy Wavin, Josie Neill (Drunk Muse)
Poèmes Ecossais, Paul Malgrati (Blue Diode)
Hard Roads an Cauld Hairst Winds: Li Bai an Du Fu in Scots, Brian Holton (Taproot)
Scots Performer of the Year, sponsored by TRACS
Jo Freer
Alan Reid aka Bundy
Katie Barnett
Hamish MacDonald
Scotland’s traditional culture, music and arts organisation Hands Up For Trad have published the public’s nominees for 2022’s top Scots Language champions, calling for everyone to make their final votes from Monday 5th to Sunday 18th September, to see who’s set to take home the ultimate Award in the sparkling ceremony on Saturday 24thSeptember.
Get your votes in now to see who’ll be taking to the stage at Dundee’s vibrant Gardyne Theatre to celebrate Scots culture and language alongside performers including live music from Beth Malcom, Robyn Stapleton, poet (and nominee!) Hamish MacDonald, and comedian Bruce Fummey.
Scots Language has long been used by authors, spoken in our top films, and is experiencing a contemporary year on year resurgence via social media with a huge new audience on TikTok, as communities connect led by the public, influencers, and media alike, kicked off by Hands Up for Trad’s social media campaign #GiesAScotsPhraseDay, and their launch of the Scots Language Awards in 2019, as part of the United Nations Year of Indigenous Languages.
The Awards have recognised local heroes and teachers alongside well know celebrities such as comedian Janey Godley and singer Iona Fyfe since they started. All eleven, including the prestigious Janet Paisley Services to Scots Award, will be presented by social media star and poet Len Pennie and broadcaster and columnist Alistair Heather, and live streamed to international audiences.
Simon Thoumire of organisers Hands Up For Trad said: “I’m thrilled by the growth of our ongoing campaign for Scots Language, to be holding our live event in Dundee again, a community which has supported the campaign from day one, and at the calibre of this year’s brilliant nominees for the 2022’s Scots Language Awards.”
Voting is open from 5th – 18th September 2022 at www.scotslanguageawards.com. Tickets are priced from £8 + booking fee (or £6 for live stream) www.gardynetheatre.org.uk/show/scots-language-awards
Follow us on Twitter @handsupfortrad, Instagram @handsupfortrad, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/handsupfortrad and use hashtags #ScotsLeid2022 & #HUFT
Press: For further press information please contact Chris Hunt at Genuine via chris@genuine.scot
Notes to Editors:
Organising body, Hands Up for Trad funded by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, was formed in 2002 and exists to increase the profile and visibility of traditional Scottish music and culture through information, advocacy and education to artists, participants and audiences.
In 2019, The United Nations Year of Indigenous Language, Hands Up for Trad launched this new annual award ceremony for Scotland’s vibrant cultural calendar, celebrating the best in the Scots Language, in association with Creative Scotland. In a prestigious ceremony at Glasgow’s Mitchell Library Theatre, the Award’s many other sponsors including Education Scotland, SQA, Scottish Government and Itchy Coo / Black & White Publishing gathered together for an evening of music and entertainment in the country’s national language spoken by over 30% of the population, particularly in the central and borders regions, rewarding excellence in schools, communities and arts, before regrouping on YouTube in October 2020 during lockdown.
Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland on behalf of everyone who lives, works or visits here. They distribute funding provided by the Scottish Government and the National Lottery.
Further information at www.creativescotland.com. Follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.