Hands Up for Trad’s Ignition Award is an award for musicians and bands who put the charge into the tradition. At Hands Up for Trad we like to celebrate innovation so we have brought forward this award to celebrate those musicians who take chances and in doing so make Scottish trad music an exciting place to be. Often these artists don’t get as much press attention or sell as many records as more mainstream acts but we know they are out there, want to celebrate them and let the public and press find out more about them. This award will be presented thrice yearly and if you know of a band or musician who deserves this award please tell us here.
March 2019: Mike Vass
March 2018: Duncan Lyall
May 2017: Twelfth Day
September 2016: Rachel Newton
March 2016: Aidan O’Rourke
September 2015: Robert McFall
February 2015: Fraser Fifield
August 2014: Lau
The criteria for the Award are:
- The Ignition Award is awarded to musicians and bands operating in Scotland
- Ignition Awards are made by nomination. Anyone can nominate a business which HUfT will consider with other nominations.
- Hands Up for Trad’s decision is final.