Hands Up for Trad are very much looking forward to presenting the Scots Fiddle Festival with our Landmark Award to celebrate their 20th Festival! Top fiddler Liz Doherty will be there on Saturday night (19th November) to present the award as well as performing in an amazing concert of fiddlers with Aonghas Grant, Catriona Macdonald, Aidan O’Rourke, Liz Doherty, Paul Anderson and Chris Stout – along with percussionist Allan MacDonald and pianist Mhairi Hall. Many of us ’90s’ musicians had amazing times in the old Assembly Rooms when this festival started and it is a pleasure to present the festival with a Landmark Award. Check out all the amazing events at the Scots Fiddle Festival website.
Rob Adams writes “It began with a fanfare. Fiddle ’96 was to be Scotland’s fiddle festival, a weekend of concerts, masterclasses, workshops, cabarets, ceilidhs, dance jams, talks, tunes and sessions, and it has continued to live up to that ambition, turning Edinburgh on the third weekend of November into Fiddle Central, where it seems that everyone you meet is carrying a fiddle case.
The idea grew out of the ALP Scots Music Group, which by 1996 had been organising music, song and dance classes – and much more – for adults as a community project in Edinburgh for six years.”
Read more at https://projects.handsupfortrad.scot/landmark/scots-fiddle-festival-1996-2016-20-years-old/
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