’S e iomairt ùr bho Hands Up For Trad a th’ ann am #bringyourgaelictoworkweek. Tha sinn airson ìomhaigh cànan na Gàidhlig àrdachadh nar dùthaich fhèin. Stèidhichte air na làithean far an toir luhch-obrach rudeigin leotha a shealltainn do chàch, tha sin a’ faighneachd an dèan sibh an aon rud le ur cànan. ‘S mar sin, airson seachdain, bhon 8mh-12mh làtha den t-Samhain, carson nach tòir sibh a’ Ghàidhlig leibh gur n-obair? ’S è pròiseact a tha seo gus a’ Ghàidhlig a thoire gu àire nan daoine nach eil eòlach oirre. Tha sinn air soidhnichean a chur ri chèile a dh’fhaodas sibhse a chur suas nur n-àite-obrach agus tha cuideachd abairtean againn a dh’fhaodar ionnsachadh do dhuine sam bith anns a bheil ùidh sa chànan.
Am b’ urrainn dhuibhse ar cuideachadh le pàirt a ghabhail ann? Cha ruig sibh a leas a bhith fileanta, ma tha ùidh agaibh sa Ghàidhlig, faodaidh sibh pàirt a ghabhail nar n-iomairt. Tha stòras againn air loidhne dhuibh, a thèid a lùghdachadh a-nuas tron cheangal gu h-ìosal. Feuch gun tog sibh dealbhan agus gun seall sibh dhan t-saoghal dè tha sibh ris air na meadhanan-sòisealta leis an taga hais #bringyourgaelictoworkweek agus #cleachdi.
#Bringyourgaelictoworkweek is a new Hands Up for Trad initiative to help raise the profile of Gaelic Language. Based on the various “Bring your ‘something’ to work days” we thought why not bring your Gaelic to work – and for a whole week (8-12th November 2021)! This is a serious project though and aims to make the language visible to people who do not necessarily encounter the Gaelic language. To do this we have made a series of work place signs to be put up around the office and a few very simple phrases that can be taught.
Can you help us by taking part? You do not need to be a fluent speaker – just someone who cares about the Gaelic language. Download the resources below. Feel free to take pictures and posts on social media using the hashtag #Bringyourgaelictoworkweek
#bringyourgaelictoworkweek Work Signs
#bringyourgaelictoworkweek Simple phrases
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