Cothrom do sgrìobhadairean tàlantach Gàidhlig cur a-steach airson sgoilearachd luachmhor MG ALBA ann an Cùrsa Sgrìobhadh Ficsean Telebhisein aig Oilthigh Cailleannach Ghlaschu.
’S e an cùrsa MA ann an Sgrìobhadh Ficsean Telebhisean Gàidhlig an aona cùrsa iar-cheumnach dha leithid san RA, a’ toirt seachad nan sgilean sònraichte do sgrìobhadairean gus tòiseachadh fhaighinn ann an dreuchd shoirbheachail ann an sgrìobhadh ficsean telebhisein agus tha MG ALBA a’ toirt taic do aon neach le Gàidhlig a’ chùrsa a dhèanamh.
Air a theagasg le measgachadh de sgrìobhadairean sgriobt agus luchd-obrach acadaimigeach, nam measg An t-Ollamh Ann Marie Di Mambro a tha air obrachadh air leithid Eastenders, Casualty agus River City, bidh oileanaich a’ chùrsa ag obair gu dian air co-dhiù dà shreath dràma a tha an-dràsta gan craoladh air telebhisean ann am Breatainn, ag ionnsachadh co-obrachadh air slighe sgeulachd agus cnàmhan sgeulachd, sgrìobhadh sgriobtaichean agus obair deasachaidh air na dràmathan.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh air Cùrsa Sgrìobhadh Ficsean Telbhisein agus ciamar a chuireas sibh a-steach airson sgoilearachd MG ALBA, tadhalaibh air no lean @MATVGlasgow air Twitter.
Opportunity to apply for a coveted MG ALBA scholarship to study television fiction writing at Glasgow Caledonian University.
The MA Television Fiction Writing course is the only dedicated one year postgraduate programme of its type in the UK, providing aspiring screenwriters with the tools to embark upon or strengthen their career in television fiction writing. MG ALBA are supporting a placement on the course for one Gaelic speaker.
Taught by a combination of leading TV scriptwriters and academic staff including course lecturer Professor Ann Marie Di Mambro whose credits include EastEnders, Casualty and River City, students on the course will work intensively on at least two drama series currently transmitting on British television, learning how to story conference, storyline, write scripts and edit these dramas.
The MG ALBA scholarship will be awarded to one person, fluent in Gaelic, who will join the programme in September 2016. Applications need to be submitted before Thursday 19th May.
For more information on the MA TV Fiction Writing programme and how to apply for an MG ALBA scholarship visit: or follow @MATVGlasgow on Twitter.
Location: Glasgow City
For further information, please contact (, or call 0141 4226586, or visit
The deadline is Thursday 19 May 2016 at 17:00.