Hands Up for Trad’s Trad Music Spotlight is a monthly feature on a band or solo artist. It was first launched in February 2015 and features musicians who are working in the trad scene – both in Scotland and around the world. We asked Rachel Hair a few questions.
What’s happening?
I’m busy packing my suitcase ready for a 2 week Norwegian tour with The Rachel Hair Trio, so that’s myself on harp, Jenn Butterworth on guitar/vocals and Cammy Maxwell on double bass.
It’s our 7th tour out there for the Norwegian Government school concert scheme. The scheme enables professional live performers and artists to be taken direct to the schools in Norway, and we’re privileged to be one of the few International acts to be part of it.
It’s back to front touring though. Our concerts are done by 2.30pm every day and we have the weekends off… very strange for us!
When was the band formed?
Jenn and I first started performing while at university (nearly 15 years ago now…eek we’re old!) but we took a break once we graduated. We started again as a trio in 2011 and Cammy joined us as the bass player in 2015.
Since I graduated in 2005 I’ve been performing as a soloist and continue to do so, as people still love to hear solo harp.
What excites you about performing Scottish music?
I love that it’s a constantly evolving tradition in Scotland, and nothing seems to ever stand still. There are so many fantastic musicians making a living in Scotland just now who are so creative, but yet still rooted in the tradition and playing real Scottish music. It’s great to be part of this eclectic scene and the audiences here seem very open to this too which is exciting.
Also, for me as a harpist Scottish music just suits the instrument so well. I love that I can delve into the old collections and bring an old tune to life again, and how I arrange it can completely change the feel of the tune every time I play it.
What’s next for you?
Next year I’ll be doing quite a bit of performing in Europe with the Trio, but I’ve also going to be returning to my roots, and working on a new solo harp album…. long overdue as my solo album was released in 2007! I’m happy to say it still sells very well, but I need to get something new out there.
Teaching is a big part of my career and every year I get invited to teach at several harp festivals throughout the world. I love being able to teach Scottish music to other harpers throughout the world and giving them an insight into our culture and the vibrant scene that exists here.
I’ll be visiting Japan, to do just that in April, and later in the year I’ll hopefully be teaching and performing at harp festivals in the USA and South America.
Read more about Rachel Hair at their website http://www.rachelhair.com
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