The inaugural Tinto Summer School, originally named The Millennium Summer School, took place in 2000 at Wiston Lodge, where it continues to be held today. Throughout the years, we have hosted thousands of young musicians who come together to learn Scottish music and song, making new friends and having a fantastic time.
We eagerly anticipate participants aged 11 (entering high school) – 17 to Wiston Lodge (South Lanarkshire) for an excellent week of music, singing, enjoyment, and campfire songs!
Every year, we get to meet a lovely group of students who enjoy learning music and having fun. It’s always inspiring to see so many bright and motivated young people come together and share their experiences, forming new connections and friendships that often last well after Tinto. We’re also grateful to have a wonderful community of Tinto alumni who continue to inspire us with their success stories.
Read about our Tinto Alumni below. Check back to see the list as it expands!