The 15th Moniaive Folk Festival is set to be another packed weekend this year and kicks off on Thursday 5th May with a concert from the young, dynamic group, Talisk featuring the amazing Mohsen Amini, winner of the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year.
Our welcoming ceilidh on Friday 6th will feature not only Scottish dance but American style Contra and also Balkan dancing with music supplied by the newly created Moniaive Village Ceilidh Band and the vibrant musicians of Northern Harmony from the USA. Enjoy a breather with guest singing spots from Cairn Chorus and Gaelic and Scots singer Margaret Bennett.
Daytime on Saturday 7th has something for everyone with sessions all day, music and song in village venues , piping competitions, singarounds and fantastic children`s events including circus skills, family concert and parade fun!
Workshops will run from 10.30 till 4pm and this year include harmony, Gaelic and Scots singing, Balkan and Contra dance plus a range of instruments.
Our evening concert opens with the amazing a capella singing of the 16-strong, American ensemble, Northern Harmony and continues with the spellbinding voice and guitar playing of Martin Simpson, who has amassed an amazing 27 nominations in the life of the BBC Radio 2 Awards. The ever popular Paul McKenna Band will finish the concert and then it’s a choice between Festival Club Unplugged with Festival guests, floor spots and warm food or Late Night Extra with the delightfully named Trongate Rum Riot ………….or bed!
Sunday 8th has even more this year with an addition of a song writing workshop and slow session alongside a storytelling circle. Cairn Chorus will host the Sunday Sing and Clydebuilt Puppets return with another wonderful show and workshop for families. The afternoon concert , which is growing in popularity year on year, will feature singer and folklorist, Margaret Bennett and local lass with the voice of an angel – Darcy DaSilva. There will also be the chance to hear harper Wendy Stewart`s new composition ‘Glen Cairn Music’ which includes a strangely familiar village song! Our whole weekend will be rounded off by a survivor`s session hosted by Paul McKenna and the brilliant band.
More details, timings, costs and info in the Festival programme on sale in April.
Weekend tickets (£50/ £35 concessions) are on sale now through the website . Local rate (£35/£25 concessions available till May 1st) and individual events through Alan James 01387 820 241.
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