I read this great article on makforrit.scot by Jamie Smith. Enjoy and read the whole article here!
The fowk o Scotland haes aye haed a wey wi wirds, frae the poyetry o the 15t an 16t centuries tae the ‘Scottish people Twitter’ o the day. Sae it’s nae surprise that ower the centuries the Scots language haes gien the warld some braw wirds. Here’s oor tap ten (in nae particular order).
1. Wow
The exclamation ‘wow’ is first encoontert in Gavin Dooglas’s Eneados, a 1513 translate intae Scots o Virgil’s lang-form Laitin poyem Aeneid. It appears in the prologue o the saxt beuk:
All is bot gaistis and elrich fantasyis,
Or browneis and of bogillis ful this buke:
Owt on thir wandrand speritis, wow! thou cryis;
Haein a deek at the OED, it seems English didna borrae the wird frae Scots till the late 19t century. The day, o coorse, it’s uised aa ower the warld. Cheers, Gav.
Read the other 9 wirds by clicking the link below.
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