Following the recent passing of so many folk who were part of Scotland’s early folk club scene , Fraser Bruce has started to collect stories from those early days from people ‘who were there’ and create a book relevant to the ‘early days’. It is not his intention to write the book as this would obviously be influenced by Fraser’s own views which , in turn , would be open to the critics . Fraser will gather the stories and collate them in to a ‘book’.
These will be stories straight ‘from the horses mouth’ , so to speak.
Although there have already been over 70 offers of contributions , it is hoped that anybody who has stories, photos, posters etc from those days will contact Fraser and give him their account of how they saw it . This is not just the artistes and organisers but people who were there and actually participated .
To get a true picture , it is hoped that contributors will come from all parts of the country, not just the major cities. If you feel you have something to offer then contact Fraser by email at ;
The period that will be addressed is from the early 1950s to the late 1960s. Even if you just tell of the folk clubs which you knew of as it is hoped to identify all clubs which existed and when the existed.
Do you think you can help?
Best Wishes ….. Fraser.
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