Scots Hoose is an online education resource dedicatit tae supportin creativity in the Scots language. Skoosh is an online publication that celebrates new Scots writing by young people. Scots scriever Matthew Fitt is the director o Scots Hoose and editor o Skoosh.
Scots Hoose is prood tae publish ower 90 new poems, stories and plays in Scots by young Scottish writers.
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Wi the support o Creative Scotland and in collaboration wi Kirkcaldy High School, Banff Academy, Ayr Academy, Bellshill Academy and Baldragon Academy, Scots scriever Matthew Fitt led a series o Scots writing workshops wi pupils and dominies.
The result is an exciting new collection o creativity hotchin wi talent and smeddum. A new generation o Scots writers is clearin its thrapple and these strang Scots voices demand tae be heard.
Scots Hoose is committit tae the belief that increasin Scots language provision in education can help close the attainment gap and improve the life chances o mony o oor young Scots speakers.
Muckle thanks gae tae the dominies in each o the schules wha supportit the Scots Hoose ootreach programme: Kirsten Hume, Jane Bell, Derek Allan at Kirkcaldy High School; Dr Jamie Fairbairn and Rachel Anderson at Banff Academy; Karen Johnston and Hollie Aitken at Ayr Academy; Alastair Scott, David Alexander, Janice Casement and Lorna Boyd at Bellshill Academy; and Derek Wagner at Baldragon Academy.
Wioot their commitment and support for Scots Hoose, the contents o Skoosh micht hae been awfie puir-lookin and shilpit.
But Skoosh is gey prood tae publish this rich and gowden hairst o poetry, prose and drama by pupils fae across Scotland.
Ower 90 pieces o creative writing in 7 different dialects o the Scots leid by young folk aged 10 tae 18 demonstrates lood and clear the love that exists in Scotland’s communities for oor Mither Tongue and the important role that Scots has tae play in terms o literacy, creativity and identity in Scottish education.
Throughoot the year, ither schules jined in this celebration and thanks are due tae Jean Wilson at Buckie High School, Rosemary Daley and Isla Wilson at Keith Grammar School, Jacky Davidson at Forres Academy, Laura Barbour at Dunfermline High School, Tracey McDougall at Balcurvie Primary School in Fife and Simon McMahon at St Andrew’s Primary School in Dundee.
And Scots Hoose wid like tae thank aw the bairns and young folk that worked sae hard and scrievit sic braw brilliant creative writing in Scots. Weel done the lot o yis!
Tellin young Scots speakers their language is worthless risks cowpin and smoorin their confidence. Giein young Scots speakers opportunities tae explore their ain language can result in confident expressive writing like the poems and stories published here on Skoosh.
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