Following on from the international success of #LàAbairtNaGàidhlig or #sayagaelicphraseday, Scotland is hosting its first ever official country-wide Gaelic language week; Seachdain na Gàidhlig, or World Gaelic Week: that aims to celebrate and promote the importance of Gaelic within Scotland’s cultural and creative landscape.
Launched at a special Gaelic takeover event at BASTA Pizza, Glasgow (re-named BLASTA [Tasty] for the night), on Wednesday 16th March by a whole host of Gaelic social media influencers, the week contains a mixture of organised interviews, performances and conversations, and local and international events.
To ensure young people across Scotland can engage with Seachdain na Gàidhlig, the team behind the festival have developed a comprehensive education pack for schools. In partnership with Twinkl, Seachdain na Gàidhlig have created a range of activities and resources that teachers can utilise to give pupils an experience of Gaelic. There are individual packs aimed at both primary and secondary levels, and for both Gaelic and English medium schools – no matter what level a pupil’s Gaelic is at, there are plenty of opportunities to celebrate the inaugural Seachdain na Gàidhlig.
Events are confirmed to take place across the world, including in the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada and the US, all delivering a flavour of the breadth of Gaelic activity across the globe. They range from a Gaelic gin tasting, distillery tour and cèilidh delivered by the Isle of Tiree Distillery, to virtual cookalongs with TikTok sensation the Hebridean Baker. Alzheimer Scotland West Highland will hold a series of online events for people living with dementia and memory loss throughout the week, with the Language Centre of the Technical University of Munich introducing participants to the Gaelic language, its history and its development during a special event.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Instrumental Music Service & Multi-media Unit will also launch their highly anticipated e-Cèilidh book, featuring pre-recorded videos and live performances of some of the material contained in the book, performed by learners from schools in the Western Isles. The game “Lorg-Glaschu” will bring you on a short trip through time through the medium of Gaelic, meeting at the Botanic Gardens, to play a scavenger hunt around the River Kelvin, learning more about the history and industrial archaeology of the place in the process!
Alongside daily social media content, the mixture of in person and online events (Covid-19 restrictions dependent) will provide a platform for Gaelic speakers to connect with wider actual and virtual communities encouraging people, businesses and community groups to get involved.
Festival Director Joy Dunlop said: “We’re absolutely thrilled by the response at such a busy time, people have been busy creating their own ideas and over 100 events to feature within the extensive programme; supported by free online resources, learning materials and advice on our official website, where visitors can also find links to tickets for all the events.”
People are also being encouraged to share videos of them using Gaelic online using the hashtag #SeachdainNaGaidhlig to connect across Scotland, and each weekday focusses on five key areas; Culture, Arts & Heritage, Business, Public Sector, Education and Communities.
Shona NicIllinnein, Ceannard at Bòrd na Gàidhlig, who are Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s main funders, said “We are delighted to support this initiative which is bringing people together from business, education and communities across the world to use Gaelic. Seachdain na Gàidhlig will increase connections throughout the Gaelic community in Scotland and abroad, raising the language’s profile and increasing wellbeing while it contributes to the National Gaelic Language Plan’s aim that more people use Gaelic more often and, in more situations.”
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“Cleachd I no caill i”
Foillsichidh Seachdain na Gàidhlig prògram thachartasan airson na ciad seachdaine, Diluain 21mh to Là na Sàbaid 27mh den Mhàrt 2022.
An cois soirbheas eadar-nàiseanta #làabairtnagàidhlig no #sayagaelicphraseday rè a’ ghlasaidh-shluaigh, cumaidh Alba a’ chiad Seachdain na Gàidhlig oifigeach a-riamh airson na dùthcha air fad; gus Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh agus a neartachadh agus àite na Gàidhlig ann an saoghal cruthachail na h-Alba a chomharrachadh.
Air a cur air bhog aig oidhche shònraichte Ghàidhlig aig BASTA Pizza, Glaschu (air an robh BLASTA, airson na h-oidhche) Diciadain 16mh den Mhàrt le luchd nam meadhanan sòisealta Gàidhlig, bidh measgachadh de chòrr agus 100 agallamhan, còmhraidhean agus tachartasan ionadail agus eadar-nàiseanta na measg.
Gus dearbhadh gum faodadh òigridh air feadh na h-Alba pàirt a gabhail san t-seachdain, tha sgioba na seachdaine airs pasgain fhoghlaim a chruthachadh do sgoiltean. Ann an co-bhonn le Twinkl, tha Seachdain na Gàidhlig air gnìomhan agus goireasan ullachadh as urrainn do thidsearan gus a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh. Tha pasgain ann do bhunsgoiltean agus àrdsgoiltean, agus airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus na Beurla – a’ cruthachadh chothroman dhaibh pàirt a ghabhail sa Ghàidhlig ge brith dè an ìre aig a bheil iad.
Bidh tachartasan rim faighinn air feadh an t-saoghail, anns an Riochachd Aonaichte, sa Ghearmailt, ann an Astràilia, Canada agus na Stàitean Aonaichte, agus iad uile nam fianais air na tha a’ tachairt a thaobh na Gàidhlig gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. Tha iad a’ gabhail a-staigh blasad sineubhair, cuairt taigh-stàile agus cèilidh le Taigh-stàile Eilean Thioradh agus bhideoàn bidhe leis a’ chruthaichear TikTok, an Hebridean Baker. Cumaidh Alzheimer Scotland na Gàidhealtachd an Iar sreath de thachartasan air loidhne do dhaoine air a bheil seargadh-inntinn tron t-seachdain, le Ionad Cànain Oilithigh Munich a’ toirt blasad den Ghàidhlig agus a h-eachdraidh seachad tro thachartas sònraichte mar phàirt de phròiseact mion-chànaain.
Cuiridh Comhairle nan Eilean Siar an leabhar ùr aca, e-Cèilidh, air dòigh le cuirm-chiùil bheò bho sgoilearan nan Eilean Siar. Bheir an geama “Lorg-Glaschu” sinn air cuairt bheag tron bhaile tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, gus barrachd ionnsachadh mu àrc-eòlas gnìomhachais na sgìre ann an dòigh neo-fhoirmeil agus spòrsail!
A bharrachd air susbaint làitheil air na meadhanan-sòisealta, agus tachartasan air loidhne agus sa choimhearsnachd (a-rèir bacaidhean Covid-19), bheir an t-seachdain cothrom do Ghàidheil coinneachadh ri chèile, le brosnachadh do bhuidhnean, choimhearsnachdan agus dhaoine fa leth dol an sàs innte.
Thuirt stiùiriche na Fèise, Joy Dunlop: “Tha sinn air ar dòigh glan leis mar a chuir daoine fàilte air Seachdain na Gàidhlig aig àm a tha cho trang. Tha iad air còrr ‘s 100 tachartasan a chur air dòigh gu ruige seo, ‘s iad cuideachd agus a’ gabhail sealbh air na goireasan an asgaidh a tha rim faotainn air ar làrach-lìn oifigeil, far am faighear barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na tachartasan uile.”
Tha daoine cuideachd air am brosnachadh gus bhideòan a sgaoileadh agus iad a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig air loidhne leis an taga-hais #SeachdainNaGaidhlig, le còig prìomh chuspairean fon phrosbaig a h-uile latha;. Teaghlach & Coimhearsnachd, An Riaghaltas agus Buidhnean Poblach, Gàidhlig san Eaconomaidh, Foghlam aig gach ìre, Na h-Ealain, Cultar agus Dualchas.
Thuirt Shona NicIllInnein gu bheil iad “air leth toilichte taic a chumail ris an iomairt seo a bhrosnaicheas daoine air feadh an t-saoghail Gàidhlig a chur gu feum. Brosnaichidh Seachdain na Gàidhlig ceanglaichean air feadh coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig ann an Alba agus thall thairis, a’ togail ìomhaigh a’ chànain is a’ cur ri deagh shunnd dhaoine agus cuideachd a’ cur ri amas Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a tha airson ’s gun cleachd barrachd dhaoine a’ Ghàidhlig nas trice agus ann am barrachd shuidheachaidhean”.
Airson ticeadan agus gus pàirt a ghabhail san t-seachdain, tadhlaibh air:
Airson nan tachartas uile fhaicinn, tadhlaibh air:
Aison goireasan foghlaim, tadhlaibh air:….-scotland-cfe
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