I’ve been meaning to share this website with you for a while! If you love Scottish fiddle music and its history this is a great website. It features a growing number of posts on the music, history, and culture of the violin in Scotland. There is lots of content on historical, contemporary fiddle music and more!
The website author is Ronnie Gibson, a graduate student at the University of Aberdeen. The topic of his PhD research is Scottish fiddle music and its transmission from the the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to the present. The project combines historical investigations into old music collections and documents with ethnographic studies (including interviews with fiddlers) in what is ultimately an interrogation of tradition. This blog will be used to explore the issues raised in the course of research. The content will be of relevance to fiddlers both in Scotland and abroad, other traditional musicians, those with an interest in Scottish history, and musicologists and ethnomusicologists working in a variety of fields.
Another fantastic website is https://raretunes.org. Ratetunes is an online archive of recordings of mainly Scottish traditional and popular music and sound from private collections where the owners wish to preserve their material in a digital format while sharing it over the internet. The archive can also hold and give access to documents in other formats including images, video and written documents.
RareTunes was started in 2006 by volunteers Stuart Eydmann and the late Derek Hoy who saw the need for such an archive and wished to demonstrate its potential. It remains an independent, not for profit project undertaken without external funding. This version was launched in Spring 2016.
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