Tune Writing Competition : deadline 25th January 2018 : £100 prize!
During January 2018, funds are being raised via Kickstarter, for the recording of an album titled “MakerSpace”, focused on exploring the very recently developed “Lindsay System” Scottish smallpipes.
The project can be found on Kickstarter by searching for “Makerspace” or “Donald WG Lindsay”.
The programme for the recording is almost complete, including new works for the pipes from established Scottish composers, alongside the contemporary & traditional tunes that inspired the pipes’ creation. We’ve room for a little more music, however, so during the month of January a tune competition will take place, with a prize of £100 for the winning tune.
The winning tune will be included on the “MakerSpace” album, and the composer invited to the launch, expected to take place in Glasgow in January of 2019.
The music should be original, and should be submitted by the composer in the form of a video performance, which can be anonymous if desired (a cunning disguise, the phone laid face down, or whatever), via either Facebook (post on the Lindstrumentspage) or Twitter/Instagram to @lindstruments before midnight on the 25thJanuary 2018. Please include in your post the project Kickstarter link as follows (you can cut & paste this link from Kickstarter) : www.kickstarter.com/proje…_build
To record the video of your tune, feel free to use any instrument with a suitable range, although bear in mind if using instruments such as piano or guitar, that the pipes will play a single melody line only, so the tune you intend should be as clear as you can make it. Entrants consent to all videos being reposted onto the Lindstruments Facebook, Twitter & Instagram pages, where they will be voted on by the followers of the page (who are of course a very discerning audience of traditional music fans) between the 26th-31stof January 2018.
For reference, here are the notes of the scale (note not all steps of the standard 12-step scale are available, and notes in brackets are ‘tricky’ for use as accidentals);
D3, E3, F#3, G3, A3, (Bb3), B3, (C4), C#4, D4, (D#4), E4, F4, F#4, G4, G#4, A4, B4, C#5, D5
Full rules for the competition are available as a PDF by contacting Lindstruments on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or via Lindstruments.com
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