This article was first published on Mak Forrit.
Ah hiv lang been thirlt tae the idea that keepin awa the ghaisties said tae flee aboot in the mirk on 31 October shuid be nae mair than a semple wee acknowledgement o the auld conventions; cairit oot in an aroond the hoose, on ae particlar nicht wi the bairns an faimily thegither. In ma ain young days, there warnae ony Halloween pairties ootwith o fowk’s hooses or on ither days. An they warnae caa’d ‘pairties’ either; it wis juist Halloween.
But, wi the seemin muive awa fae faimilies daein things for theirsels or e’en thegither, Halloween nae langer belangs juist in the hoose, but tae scuils, function rooms, offices, discos, TV adverts, eatin places an mair. Bairns the day can hae twa or three Halloweens. An o coorse, the muckle retailers wha, haein gotten their corporate haunds on it, hiv makkit it intae a hale season! Tae ma mind, it haes spylt the hale thing.
Read the whole story at Mak Forrit here
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