Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees are hosting a day of workshops in St Peter’s Hall in Partick, Glasgow followed by an evening concert.
As G&T are both avid composers of tunes influenced by traditional Scottish & Irish music, there will be workshops offered in tune composition. Both girls also have vast tune repertoires, and so workshops in how to build repertoire, as well as practicing techniques, will be offered. On top of this, general workshops in fiddle, flute & whistle and piano will also be on offer where you will learn some of Gráinne & Tina’s own compositions.
The afternoon of workshops will then be followed by a concert in the evening. With support from exciting young Cardross fiddler Ryan Young, see Gráinne Brady & Tina Jordan Rees perform music from their debut album ‘High Spirits’ joined, on this occasion, by Innes Watson (Treacherous Orchestra, Man’s Ruin).
Worshops offered in:
Flute & Whistle
Tune Composition
Practicing Techniques & Building Repertiore
Participants must be intermediate level or higher with experience in Scottish &/or Irish traditional music. Any age welcome.
1.30pm-1.45pm – Meet & greet
1.45pm-2.30pm – Workshop 1
2.30pm-2.45pm – Break (refreshments included)
2.45pm-3.30pm – Workshop 2
3.30pm-3.45pm – Break (refreshments included)
3.45pm-4.30pm – Workshop 3
6.30pm – Doors open for concert
7pm – Concert (BYOB)
Once you’ve booked your place you will then be contacted with regards to which workshops you’d like to take.
Any queries contact:, 07596703947
Buy tickets
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