The 10th June 2022 is ‘Gies A Scots Phrase Day’ an we need ye aa tae tak pairt! Its no haurd tae dae. Jist mak a wee video or audio o yersel saying yer favourite Scots phrase an pit it up on social media yaisin the hashtag #GiesAScotsPhraseDay. It micht be a sayin or turn o phrase ye ken fae yer ain faimily, or a bittie fae ae o the braw Scots leid buiks. Itchy Coo bairns buiks are a guid exaumple! Of coorse thirs ay the poems o Robert Burns, stappit fu wi weel kent Scots phrases, or ye cuid hae thochts on somethin fae the wirks o oor ither Scots makars. Onythin that taks yer fancy! It ettles tae be a day o guid fun wi a wheen o braw Scots wirds an phrases takin thair richtfu place centre stage promotin the leid wi a day o thair ain. If you are looking for more notes check out the Dictionars o the Scots Leid or visit the Scots Language Centre.
A wheen o exaumples ablaw fae Iona Fyfe tae get ye stairtit!
Luikin forrit tae seein an hearin yer contributions #giesascotsphraseday
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