With support from the William Grant Foundation, Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin is back and offering an exciting opportunity for young musicians. The ‘EYG Big Band’ will be formed of participants between the age of 13-18. The three day programme will be led by professional musicians and educators Lori Watson and Phil Alexander.
Check out all the workshops at Edinburgh Trad Fest.
Participants will learn and arrange traditional music as well as playing and performing together as a group.
This three-day course is for young people who want to develop their skills in their instrument of choice, play with other young musicians and have the chance to get exclusive demonstrations/Q&A sessions from some of the acts appearing at Tradfest.
EYG Big Band is all about creativity, making friends through music and having fun.
We are looking for young people who are roughly at an intermediate level on their instrument (around 2+ years experience) who would like to learn about and play some folk music. Singers are of course welcome and encouraged too! You must have your own instrument and be able to take it along with you every day.
The event is taking place 10am-3pm from Saturday 29th April – Monday 1st May, with an additional evening performance on the final night supporting the wonderful Ailie Robertson’s Two For Joy.
If you have any questions about the event or would like any more information, please contact Laura-Beth Salter at eyg@handsupfortrad.co.uk
Fees: £150 + BF (full price) £60 + BF (part subsidised for low income families)
Tickets : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/eyg-big-band-at-edinburgh-tradfest-tickets-570538244247
Edinburgh Tradfest : https://edinburghtradfest.com/workshops/2023/4/29/edinburgh-youth-gaitherin
Please contact us directly on eyg@handsupfortrad.co.uk to discuss any additional support measures we can provide to support you or your young person attending EYG 2023
If you are unable to attend due to cost of the event there are also free spaces available
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