I read this very interesting news article the other day by Stephen Raskauskas and thought you might like to see it!
A new study conducted by O2, a company which owns some of United Kingdom’s largest music venues, and Patrick Fagan claims that attending live concerts can help increase life expectancy and improve overall well-being.
Fagan, who is an associate lecturer a Goldsmith University specializing in behavioral science, said, “Our research showcases the profound impact gigs have on feelings of health, happiness and wellbeing – with fortnightly or regular attendance being the key. Combining all of our findings with O2’s research, we arrive at a prescription of a gig a fortnight which could pave the way for almost a decade more years of life.”
The study conducted psychometric and heart-rate tests with participants who attended concerts, practiced yoga, and walked dogs. Those who attended concerts felt a 21% increase in well-being – compared to 10% for yoga and 7% for dog-walking – with a 25% increased feeling of self-worth, a 25% increased feeling of closeness to others, and 75% increased mental stimulation.
Read the whole article https://www.wfmt.com/2018/07/23/study-claims-attending-live-concerts-increases-life-expectancy-improves-well-being-more-than-yoga-and-dog-walking/
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