A Scots CD is braw and fun fir bairns an weans o a ages.
A musical squatter fir weans an bairns o aw sizes made fae the poems fae ‘’A Squatter o Bairnrhymes’’, the weel-kennt an respectit buik fae the weel-kennt poet Stuart A Paterson.
Ah’m fair chuffed tae hae made this album o sangs. Oor hail project has been deid rewardin an fu o fun. There are twenty sangs in aw. It can be bocht nae bother as doonload or CD.
This squatter o sangs birls wi imagination an we get tae meet the Tobermory Dodo, Drouthie Ruthie wi her moothie, an ettercap (speeder) an a couple o hurcheons (hedgehogs). There’s bears o aw sorts, a muckle shark, a hoolit, a tod (fox) an mony mair. We skyte alang wi a meteorite makkin its wey thru space an think oan aboot the universe. ‘’Snow’’ is chantit alangside thrie ither short poems stoatin their wey atween ilk ither. Ye can hae a braw time ettlin tae sing alang wi aw thir different poems.
Scots wirds an phrases are aw owre an gey aplenty fir tae lug intae an brawlie sing alang tae.
Nicola Black scrievit aw thir sangs an they hae aw been arranged bi Nicola an Blackie, whae, atween the twae o thirsels, play guitar, ukulele, bass, organ, harmonica recorder an piano.
Chris Lord plays the delichtsome lead guitar. Nicola Black, Cameron Patterson (age 11), Amanda Caven and Blackie are the sangsters.
The saxophone comes tae us fae the talented David Sanderson.
The moothie is aff Drouthie Ruthie hersel!
Aw the wirds are in Scots an there are a wheen o different musical styles that hae been led bi aw the words, rhythms an happy feelins o the poems thirsels.
We’re gey prood fowk can get the CD easy aff Scotsoun at www.lallans.co.uk
Doonloads fae www.nicolablack.bandcamp.com/a-squatter-o-bairnsangs
Nicola Black is a makar o sangs, choir lead, sangster an guitar player fae Gallowa. She fair luves the Scots language an Gaelic (a leid she’s oan a lang blythe mission tae lair).
She’s spent a wheen o years warkin wi bairns in schuils makkin music in Scots an Gaelic.
Moonstruck; A musical collection o the great Hugh MacDiarmid’s early Scots poems set owre, played an chantit bi Nicola Black https://nicolablack.bandcamp.com/album/moonstruck
Sister Fox; ‘Not Quite Perfect’ EP
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