From email: I’m writing to let you know about a project, to develop a new Scottish Smallpipes chanter using 3D printing, with range extended to match
that of the penny whistle, Uilleann pipes or wooden flute.
The chanter’s conventional scale remains the same, so the instrument remains as accessible to all pipers as the standard Scottish Smallpipes.
Details of the project, and a video demonstrating the current prototype chanter, are available on the project’s ‘Kickstarter’ page at ;
Or alternatively you can visit Kickstarter and search “Dreaming Pipes”. Pipers can sign up for the project through this site.
I’d be very grateful if you could pass on details of this project to anyone you think may be interested in it. I’m looking for a further 7 pipers willing to join the very international ‘Beta test’ group that has been established for the new chanter, before the close of the project’s fundraising phase next Wednesday. Interest from the piping community has been quite high, and we’ve got pipers on board already from Australia, Canada and the US as well as Scotland.
Please get in touch via this email address if you would like more information.
Kind regards
Donald Lindsay
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