And we’re delighted to announce that Episode 6 o Scots Radio is noo available for yer enjoyment. We stert the programme in the company o Jim King fae the Scottish Prison Service. Jim’s using the Scots language in different projects wi the prisoners and writin his ain poetry. Mary Blance sends us anither great report fae Shetland an oor studio guest this month is musician and entrepreneur, Martin Hadden.
Martin was een o the original members o the legendary folk band, Silly Wizard, that pioneered a lot o the roads for the bands noo. And he’s the director o the multi functional Birnam CD that leads us intae the music world o the 21st century. An as ye can imagine wi Martin and Steve Byrne in the studio – there’s a lot o fun and guid humour.
Apart fae that – oor ‘Soon Sorter’ Richie Werner surpassed hissel wi the biscuits – chocolate eens.
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