This fund is noo open, the deidline is Friday 17 January.
Wee Grants for Creativity in the Scots Leid
The fund comes fae Creative Scotland, an will gie oot 14 grants o seeven hunner pund. We’ve keepit the application process simple, sae ye can focus on yer creative practise. It shouldnae tak ony mair nor an hour tae fill it oot.
Whit’s it aw aboot
This fund exists tae support new creative wark in Scots tae bring tae audiences in 2025.
Doonload aw the key info in this Pdf.
Hae a keek at some succesfy applicants fae last year.
‘Wee Grants for Creativity in the Scots Leid’ will gie oot grants o seeven hunner pund. Oor ambition is tae gie this siller tae individuals, community groups or organisations wha will yaise it tae produce audience-facing creative wark. The wark maun be maistly in ae dialect o the Scots leid.
We ken that seeven hunner pund mibbie wilnae cover a hail project. We’re mair than happy tae gie oot a grant tae support a project that taks funding fae numerous sources. Aw we’d need tae ken is how the grant will lead tae a better quality o wark, or bring it tae mair fowk, or ithergates impruive the ootputs.

Wha can pit in an application?
Jist aboot aabdy an onybody ower the age o 18: individuals, voluntary groups an professional organisations can aw be considerit fir funding. Ye should be able tae pruive that ye hae a track record o yaisin Scots in yer wark, an that ye can produce wark o a guid quality.
Fu details o eligibility are at the fit o this document.
Whit we’re aifter funding.
Creativity in the Scots Language, in whitever form that taks, sae lang’s it can reach an audience.
Ye can hae an oven-ready project that needs siller tae tak it oot tae an audience, or ye can apply for grant funding tae help impruive wark that’s away tae be tane tae an audience.
Storytellers. Mibbie ye’d like tae pit oan an event tae showcase yer talents, or expand an event that exists awready.
Theatre Makers. Are ye developing a Scots project that oor fund can gie a boost tae?
Comedians. Dae ye hae a Scots stand-up set ye’d like tae record? Or mibbie twa three scriptit jokes on camera?
Poets. Are ye keen scrieve new Scots poems fir an audience-facing event, or tae owerset wark intae Scots but dinnae hae the time? Are ye mibbie haein a launch night an want tae capture the audio tae pit oot online?
Animators. Dae ye hae a project tae develop aroon Scots animations?
Sangsters. Are ye wantin tae pit oan a show, or gie time tae producin mair Scots wark?
Podcasters. Wad a grant help oot makkin a series o Scots podcasts?
Film Makers. Hae ye a short film idea an jist need a bitty siller tae mak it happen?
Zine editors. Commission new wark in Scots fir yer audiences?
Crafts & art makers. If ye’ve a creative, audience-facin project yaisin Scots that could dae wi some siller, then…
Let us ken, an let’s mak it happen!
Pittin thegither yer application
Things tae tak tent o afore ye stairt:
- Yer project maun hae Scots at its hairt, an ye hae tae let us ken how audiences will interact wi the wark. It maun be creative.
- We ainly hae ten grand tae gie oot the noo, sae no awbdy that enters will be successfu.
- Mak shair an gie us aw the information needit. Gie us aw the budget information ye can, tae let us ken there’s a strang plan ahint yer idea.
- Ye dinnae hae tae speir at us fir the hail seeven hunner pund. Gin yer idea will ainly tak twa hunner tae bring tae fruition, let us ken. It’ll gie us mair money tae gie oot.
- The fund cannae pey fir equipment purchase nor capital costs.
We need tae ken
- Wee ootline o the project (aroon a hunner words)
- Wha’s the heid contact fir the application
- Whit’s the nemme o the group/organisation (gin there is ane)
- Contact email & phone
- Local Authority o Scotland whaur the project will tak place, and the stairt an enn dates.
- The amount o siller the project needs.
- How ye’ll deliver the idea. (aroon twa hunner words)
- How ye’ll engage an audience. (aroon twa hunner words)
- How is Scots at the hairt o the idea. (aroon twa hunner words)
- Details o the ither sources o siller fir the idea.
- Bank account details
- Ony ither info/supporting documents.
Some T&Cs
Wi aw successful applications, ye’ll hae tae senn us in a brief, twa hunner words account o how ye yaised the money, alang wi a photie or video o the event itsel. Audience feedback wad be welcome.
Ye’ll hae tae mention baith Creative Scotland and Hands Up for Trad in aw yer marketin materials an online.
Awhin onybody creates wi the help o this grant belangs tae the creator, no tae us.
We cannae accept applications fae for-profit companies, or thaim wha’s in fu-time education, academics nor education professionals. We cannae fund wark that’s fur commercial purposes.
Ye cannae purchase equipment wi this siller, but ye can pey fir materials.
Aabdy involved in the project maun tak tent o stannart industry rates, though wiles they may gie their time in-kind.
We’ll gie ye 90% o the fundin at the stairt, an the final 10% aifter ye’ve completit the project and gied us a short report on how it aw gaed.