Cuimhnichibh gu bheil tabhartasan beaga ri fhaotainn tron sgeama Tasgadh. Remember small grants for traditional arts projects are available through Tasgadh supported by Creative Scotland.
Creative Scotland is continuing its support for Tasgadh in 2022-23 offering grants of up to £1,000 for traditional arts projects.
There are two remaining funding rounds in 2022-23 with the following deadlines for applications:
Tasgadh is a fund devolved from Creative Scotland, managed by Fèisean nan Gàidheal and open to organisations and individuals. Tasgadh is designed to provide support for traditional artists and organisations to create, perform, tour and showcase work. The fund can also support professional development projects. Tasgadh cannot support the purchase of equipment nor can the fund be used to match other Creative Scotland funds.
‘S e stòras a th’ ann an Tasgadh maoinichte le Alba Chruthachail, air a riaghladh le Fèisean nan Gàidheal agus fosgailte do bhuidhnean agus daoine fa leth. Tha Tasgadh a’ toirt taic do luchd-ealain traidiseanta obair a chruthachadh, a chur air an àrd-ùrlair, a chur air chuairt no a thaisbeanadh. Gheibhear taic airson leasachadh proifeiseanta cuideachd. Chan fhaighear taic airson uidheamachd a cheannach agus cha ghabhadh an stòras a chur mu choinneamh maoin eile bho Alba Chruthachail.
Tasgadh is a fund devolvit frae Creative Scotland, mainaged by Fèisean nan Gàidheal and open tae organisations and indiveeduals. Tasgadh is designit tae gie an upheeze tae tradeetional airtists and organisations tae mak, perform, tour and shawcase wark. The fund will uphaud professional development projecks as weel. Tasgadh canna support the purchase o graith and canna be yaised tae maitch ither Creative Scotland funds.
Location: All Scotland
For further information, please contact (, or call 01478 613355, or visit
The deadline is Friday 14 October 2022 at 17:00.