Fèis Rois is run by a small, dedicated team based in Dingwall. We are occasionally looking for new members of staff or for tutors and support workers to help us deliver our projects. Available vacancies and opportunities will be posted here when they are available.
A bhith a’ stiùradh a h-uile raon de leasachadh na Gàidhlig airson Fèis Rois, na mheasg: cur an comas barrachd dhaoine Gàidhlig a chleachdadh is a mhealtainn san obair agus sa choimhearsnachd;a’ meudachadh chothroman do dhaoine de gach aois aig a bheil gnothach ri Fèis Rois piseach a thoirt air an sgilean Gàidhlig;a’ mòrachadh aire luchd-èisteachd is luchd-compàirt Fèis Rois air a’ Ghàidhlig.
- Freagarrach do: Ceannard, Fèis Rois
- Uairean-obrach: Làn-ùine A’ toirt a-steach an fheasgair is an deiridh-sheachdain mar a tha feum air. Thoiribh an aire gu bheil Fèis Rois a’ feuchainn seachdain-obrach làn-ùine 28 uairean a thìde san t- seachdain, rud a dh’fhaodas leantainn oirre an dèidh sùil a thoirt oirre.
- Àit’-obrach: Oifis Fèis Rois aig 16/17 Sràid Àrd, Inbhir Pheofharain, IV15 9RU agus/no ag obair aig an taigh.
- Tuarastal: £28,143
- Làithean-saora: 35 làithean sa bhliadhna a’ toirt a-steach làithean-saora poblach is sibh ag obair seachdain àbhaisteach 35 uairean a thìde.
- Peinnsean: Thèid ur clàradh sa bhad ann an sgeime peinnsein Fèis Rois. Pàighidh sibhse 5% den tuarastal agaibh agus pàighidh Fèis Rois 5%.
- Teirm: ‘S e cùmhnant bliadhnail a tha seo fad 12 mìosan bho 1 Iuchar 2022 gu 30 Òg-mhìos 2023. Tha an dreuchd ga mhaoineachadh le Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
- A’ cur ris, agus a’ cur Gàidhlig ann an cridhe, Plana Gnìomhachais ùr Fèis Rois, a mhaireas, aig a’ char as lugha, na còig bliadhna eadar 2023 gu 2028.
- Ag obair còmhla ri Bòrd Fèis Rois airson Poileasaidh Cànain Gàidhlig Fèis Rois a sgrùdadh agus ùrachadh
- Ag obair còmhla ris a’ Cheannard airson Plana Leasachadh Cruthachail Gàidhlig ùr a sgrìobhadh a thaobh àite na Gàidhlig nuair a chuirear pròiseactan an gnìomh
- A bhith os cionn oideas na Gàidhlig do luchd-obrach Fèis Rois (PAYE agus air an ceann fhèin)
- A bhith os cionn leasachadh is cur an gnìomh a h-uile h-obair le aire air a’ Ghàidhlig aig Fèis Rois
- A’ dèanamh cinnteach gum faicear a’ Ghàidhlig air na meadhanan sòisealta is air an fhiosrachadh dhigiteach air fad aig Fèis Rois
- A’ làimhseachadh buidseit pròiseict, na mheasg a’ ceadachadh fhàirdealan agus a’ cumail sùil air cosgaisean làitheil pròiseict
- A’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil dòighean sàbhailteachd ann is gu bheilear a’ measadh cunnairt gu dòigheil sa h-uile pròiseict a tha fodhaibh
- A’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach fiosrachadh a tha ga chruinneachadh airson a’ phròisect a rèir iarrtasan Bòrd na Gàidhlig Cha bu chòir smaointinn air an tuairisgeul obrach seo mar liosta iomlan dleastanais, agus dh’fhaodadh obair eile nach eil gu h-àrd togail ceann, ris am bi dùil gun coilean an neach sa dreuchd. Thèid an dleasdanas a bharrachd a shuidheachadh a rèir ‘s mar a tha gnothaichean ‘s mar a tha e a dhìth
We are looking to appoint a full-time Gaelic Officer to lead on all areas of Gaelic development for Fèis Rois, including: providing opportunities for more people to use and benefit from Gaelic at work and in the community; increasing opportunities for people of all ages engaging with Fèis Rois to develop their Gaelic skills; raising awareness of Gaelic amongst Fèis Rois audiences and stakeholders.
For full job description and details of how to apply, please click here to view in Gaelic and English. Closing date for applications is midday on 6th June 2022.
Our Education programme is constantly growing and we are now looking for someone to support our Education Manager to offer administrative support towards the successful delivery of Fèis Rois’ education portfolio.
- Hours: 14 hours per week
- Location: Fèis Rois office at 16/17 High Street, Dingwall, IV15 9RU and/or home working
- Salary: £9,117
- Holidays: 10.5 days inclusive of public holidays
- Pension: You will be auto enrolled into the Fèis Rois pension scheme. You will contribute 5% of your salary and Fèis Rois will contribute 5%
- Term: This is a fixed term contract for 9 months from 1st July 2022 to 31st March 2023. Depending on future funding, there might be an opportunity to extend into 2023/24.
- Corresponding with schools and tutors to obtain relevant information required for projects.
- Preparing contracts and project paperwork for tutors and following up to ensure information has been submitted.
- Setting up online platform spaces, such as MS Teams and Google Classrooms, for schools.
- Arranging alternative project dates when required by schools or tutors.
- Sending out and collating project feedback.
- Administration relating to the Highland Youth Music Forum project, including maintaining the social media pages and website, working with young people on arrangements for a Highland music conference and supporting a youth led Twitter initiative.
- Project resource work, including editing sheet music and sound files and liaising with designers.
- Uploading and editing content on YouTube, SoundCloud, the Fèis Rois Foghlam website and other online platforms.
- Project material research for education projects.
- Supporting the marketing admin for events / resources / projects.
- Representing Fèis Rois at arts education events / meetings / conferences.
- Partnership working with the Education Manager on current projects and supporting ad hoc project administration as and when required.
For full job description and details of how to apply, please click here. Closing date for applications is 6th June 2022.
Thanks to support from the Youth Music Initiative, we are looking to recruit a trainee musician aged 18 – 25 with a background in performance, music education and/or music technology to support the delivery of The Lullaby Project. This placement will include the opportunity to shadow musicians who are experienced at working in participatory settings, as well as a number of training and continued professional development opportunities.
- Accountable to: Community Engagement Officer, Fèis Rois
- Hours: Up to 80 hours
- Location: Mainly in the community, and also at the Fèis Rois office at 16/17 High Street, Dingwall, IV15 9RU and some home working
- Fee: £2,000
- Project Dates: June 2022 to January 2023
The Project Trainee will be supported by Fèis Rois staff and will be expected to:
- Shadow and support artists during the delivery of the project;
- Attend mentoring sessions with professional musicians;
- Write a blog and/or end of project report to evaluate the skills and experience gained during the project.
Person specification
We are looking for a musician who has:
- Some experience of either paid or voluntary work on participatory music making projects in either a community or education context;
- The ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people;
- An interest in working in early years settings, e.g. with young people of pre- school age
- Good organisational skills and good time management
- The ability to multitask, prioritise and be flexible in your approach.
For full job description and details of how to apply, please click here. Closing date for applications is midday on 30th May 2022.