Chithear fiosrachadh gu h-ìosal mu dheidhinn tachartas a tha sinne aig Alba Chruthachail a’ cuir air dòigh san t-Sultain, ann an Inbhir Nis. Bhithinn fada nur chomain mas urrainn dhuibh seo sgaoileadh a-measg ur lìonraidhean agus co-obraichean. Saoil am faic mi ann sibh? Nach cuir sibh fios thugam ma tha ceistean sam bith agaibh an-dràsta.
Please see information below about a Gaelic arts event Creative Scotland are hosting in Inverness in September. I’d be grateful if you could circulate this among your networks and colleagues. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions at this time.
“Join Creative Scotland for Buain, a Gaelic arts gathering. Tuesday 12 September, 09:30-16:30,WASPS Creative Academy Inverness. This day-long event is for Gaelic arts practitioners, development workers and organisations to network, share, and discuss their work and the current Gaelic arts landscape.
The day will comprise some speakers sharing their work with plenty of time for attendees to chat and meet one another.
Although this is a free event, a number of bursaries will be available to support attendance. Priority for the limited bursary fund will be centred around self-employed, freelancers, and those requiring support for travel / accommodation / care costs if travelling from a distance. More specific detail on bursary scheme will follow soon.
Please register your interest at the following link: Buain – Gaelic Arts Gathering (”