Scots Language Awards 2021 – The Nominations!

Hands Up for Trad cannae wait tae welcome ye tae the 2021 Scots Leid Awards. The thocht ahint the awards is tae heighlicht oor braw Scots Leid, bringin it forrit intae the een o the public an media in aa its mony forms. VOTE HERE The Scots Leid Awards ceremony itsel wi aa the winners … Continue reading Scots Language Awards 2021 – The Nominations!

Scots Language Awards 2021 – The Nominations!

Hands Up for Trad cannae wait tae welcome ye tae the 2021 Scots Leid Awards. The thocht ahint the awards is tae heighlicht oor braw Scots Leid, bringin it forrit intae the een o the public an media in aa its mony forms. VOTE HERE The Scots Leid Awards ceremony itsel wi aa the winners … Continue reading Scots Language Awards 2021 – The Nominations!