I was just sitting on the train to Glasgow on my way to a band practice when I realised I had forgotten to write this blog. I remembered because the train went past the Victorian bandstand on the Magdalen or “Medlin” Green which features in Sheena Wellington’s song “Newport Braes”. After being away for two weeks, it was nice to see Maureen again on Monday. I hadn’t had much time to learn the songs she had given me previously so we just went over them. We got through Bonnie Glenshee and Yellow on the Broom with no major issues but after stumbling through the third verse of Tatties and Herrin’ and we just broke down laughing because neither of us could actually remember the words! Every week I’m kept amused by Maureen’s dry sense of humour and we usually end up spending more giggling and gossiping than we do singing which is probably why I spend so much time there. I had to leave a wee bit earlier this week though because I had a driving lesson – and I didn’t stall for the first time!