Paths to Songs is an idea that was launched in 2012 through the Scotland Sings website. The idea is for more experienced singers to pass on their tradition of how to sing a song to younger singers. Through our work it is often said to us that young singers have trouble passing on the emotions of a song. Basically the singer is the vehicle for the song and not the opposite like most pop music nowadays when it is all about the image of the singer. This is not necessarily the singers fault as many of these ‘big’ ballads sing about issues that you only learn about through living a few years! There are techniques though and Paths to Songs seek to help young singers learn them. As I’ve said before this is not a new idea. All it is passing on the tradition as has been done for many many years and will hopefully continue for another million years. We need to get this project re started and are looking for young singers who are up for learning and older singers who are up for teaching. It’s not a financial ‘gig’ so we are looking for singers to donate their time to each other. We can pay expenses when needed if there is travelling involved. So… if you want to get involved please contact us.