Drake Music Scotland’s vision is to transform people’s lives through the power of music and boy do they do that! They play a lead role in making Scotland a place where ground-breaking new music featuring skilled musicians and composers with disabilities comes alive for everyone. They reshape the definition of musicians, musical instruments and ensembles, building momentum as the country’s centre of expertise in inclusive music technologies and as an innovator on the international stage.
As we all know music is a wonderful thing and Drake Music Scotland makes sure that no matter who you are everyone get the opportunity to make music. Their Twitter hash tag ‘I am a musician’ says it all. We are all musicians. Their determination to explore all the possibilities of new technologies in order to find the best way for individuals to develop and explore their creativity is amazing. In other words they never stop trying to increase our self esteem.
This organisation would be nothing without its passionate and incredibly hard working staff. Thursa Sanderson OBE, Pete Sparkes and team make a massive difference to so many lives. Read more about Drake Music Scotland here https://drakemusicscotland.org/